Top 10 fat burning foods

Top 10 fat burning foods

The quickest way to burn fat is to reduce calorie intake and boost your metabolic rate. There are some effective supplements on the market that achieve this, like ketones. However, here are also a few foods that can help too:

  1. 1. Coffee
  2. 2. Coconut Oil
  3. 3. Fatty Fish
  4. 4. Eggs
  5. 5. Protein
  6. 6. Green Tea Extract
  7. 7. Probiotics
  8. 8. Apple Cider Vinegar
  9. 9. Turmeric
  10. 10. Chocolate

In this article we will further discuss these top 10 fat burning foods and how you can incorporate them in your diet.

1. Coffee

Arguably not a food but a beverage, coffee is regularly added to a lot of foods and supplements today. Coffee is the most consumed drink on the planet, surpassing tea.

It is a source of many polyphenols, flavonoids and caffeine which have been shown to boost mood, energy, focus, alertness and physical performance.

In one study, the group who consumed caffeine burned 2x more fat and were able to exercise 17% longer than the non-caffeine drinkers.

Caffeine can also increase your metabolic rate between 3 – 13% depending on the amount of caffeine consumed.

In another study where lean and obese individuals were given 100mg of caffeine every 2 hours for 12 hours, participants saw an increase in 150 calories burned compared to placebo.

Beyond the caffeine in coffee, there are also other compounds (especially in green coffee bean of whole coffee fruit extract) that may support fat burning.

One of these compounds is known as Chlorogenic acid.

Chlorogenic acid exerts many benefits. However, the most effective mechanism of action is the inhibition of the enzyme alpha-glucosidase. This enzyme is responsible for the breakdown and metabolism of carbohydrates. Therefore, inhibition of this enzyme may result in less energy absorbed from carbs eaten.

Chlorogenic acid also increases PPAR-α which is responsible for thermogenesis and increasing heat production through the burning of body fat.

Several studies support the fat burning benefits of caffeine and chlorogenic acid found in coffee. To get concentrated levels of these compounds together, try swapping out your standard coffee for Coffee Switch™, which contains single origin arabica coffee plus whole coffee fruit extract.


2. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has many different benefits. It is anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-microbial and immune-boosting.

Coconut oil consists of a very unique form of fats called MCT’s (Medium Chain Triglycerides). MCT’s are fast-burning, appetite-suppressing, brain-boosting, metabolism-increasing fats that may support fat loss.

In your body, MCT's convert into ketones and many of the benefits may come from these signalling metabolites.

In one study, men who added 2 Tbsp of coconut oil to their diet daily without any other changes in food or exercise saw a 1-inch decrease is waist circumference over 4 weeks.

In another study individuals who consumed 15 – 30g of MCT's per day saw an increase in metabolic rate of 5% over 24 hours. That is equivalent to burning an extra 120 kcal per day.

In addition, MCT’s may reduce muscle loss, increase metabolism and control hunger. All of these benefits combined are likely to significantly improve body composition.

We would recommend using 1 – 2 Tbsp of coconut oil per day to replace other fats in your diet and consume MCT's where possible. You will find MCT's in Switch Nutrition products Keto Switch™, Coffee Switch™ or MCT Oil Powder, which can be added to coffee, shakes, smoothies, greens, baking, oats and much more.

PRO TIP: Consider using Keto Switch™ between meals or during fasting for hunger control, brain boost and stimulant-free energy. It’s arguably one of the most effective appetite suppressants and by this action one of the most effective fat burners.

3. Fatty fish

Who knew that adding fats (Coconut, MCT's & Fatty Fish) could burn fat?!

Here’s the thing… consumption of fats stimulates the lipase enzyme which is a potent enzyme that breaks down body fat. Plus, fats are more filling so may reduce calorie intake. Additionally, fats do NOT increase insulin, so don’t shut off beta oxidation (fat burning) as quickly or easily.

Fatty fish is loaded with omega 3 which is incredibly good for you. Omega 3 has been clinically proven to improve heart health, reduce cortisol, boost brain health, lower inflammation and support fat burning.

In one study over 6 weeks, individuals who consumed 4g of fish oil saw an average weight loss of 0.5kg in fat mass, while they also increased their lean muscle mass. The supplemental group also saw a decrease in cortisol.

Fatty fish can often be difficult to eat regularly so fish oil supplements are recommended. Make sure the fish oil supplements you choose are mercury tested and free of any additives, like the ones we sell here.

4. Eggs

Eggs are among one of the most nutritious foods on the planet. They are a virtual powerhouse when it comes to health, weight loss and muscle recovery.

Studies have repeatedly shown eggs to have greater satiation than other foods, meaning they should leave you feeling fuller for longer.

Some of these benefits may be due to the protein, some due to the fats and some due to the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants naturally occurring in eggs.

Whatever the reason, staying satiated is sure to reduce your calorie intake which may help to maintain your body composition goals.

In one study where they compared eggs in the diet matched in calories to other foods, the egg group lost 65% more fat than the placebo group over 8 weeks.

We recommend eating 3 – 4 eggs a day, 3 – 5 days a week to support health and fat burning. Try to buy free range pastured eggs where possible and don’t throw away the yolk - half the protein is in there and 90% of the nourishment.

5. Protein

Some of the fat burning benefits of eggs and fatty fish come from their protein content. This is because protein is more satiating than other foods and increases your resting metabolic rate by 25% more than other foods.

Protein stimulates satiation hormones like PYY and GLP-1, which may result in you eating less due to hunger control. However, studies have also shown that high protein diets lead to more weight loss than low protein diets even when calories are controlled.

When overweight adults increased their protein intake from 15% to 30% of their daily calories, they saw an average 5kg of weight loss in 12 weeks.

Choosing the right protein for the right time may prove to be critical. Studies have shown plant proteins are more satiating because they take longer to digest and use more energy in digestion. This difference in calories in and calories burned may result in considerable fat loss.

We recommend getting as much of your protein through the day from food. However, if a meal is low in protein use a diverse plant protein like Protein Switch™ as your daytime option if weight loss is your goal.

After exercising you would think Whey Protein would be the best option due to its fast digestion. However, free form amino acids (which require zero digestion) could be superior. For this purpose, we recommend Amino Switch™ after exercise for complete muscle recovery.

A range of protein powders available at Sportsfuel

6. Green Tea Extract

Again, not generally thought of as a food, green tea extract is often added to supplements and foods.

In addition to providing a small amount of caffeine, green tea is rich in a catechin called Epigallocatchin gallate (EGCG). This compound is responsible for promoting fat burning and a reduction in belly fat.

In a study of cyclists who consumed GTE (Green Tea Extract) before or a placebo, the cyclists increased fat oxidation (burning) by 17% more than placebo and saw a decrease in insulin by 13%.

This means you GTE is not only capable of burning fat but supporting carbohydrate metabolism, which may reduce weight gain in the first place or the regaining of body fat.

GTE also has some pretty powerful health benefits and has been shown to reduce oxidation and support heart health.

For these reasons and more you will find GTE in Thermal Switch™ and Vitality Switch™. We recommend consuming Thermal Switch™ prior to exercise or whenever you need a boost and Vitality Switch™ once a day with food to enhance your daily nourishment.

7. Probiotics

Probiotics are live microorganisms that have psychological and physiological benefits in your body when consumed.

You will find probiotics naturally occurring in fermented foods like yoghurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, kefir etc.

Our gut contains over 100 trillion microorganisms. Some are helpful and others are harmful. Some help get the calories out of your food and some get the micronutrients out of your food.

There are two main types of good bacteria in the gut: bacteroidetes and firmicutes. Body weight seems to be connected to the balance of these two families of bacteria.

Because firmicutes are responsible for breaking down and absorbing the calories from the food you eat they may contribute to weight gain and obesity.

Overweight people tend to have less diverse gut microbiome. Your gut microbiome becomes less diverse if you eat a less diverse range of fruits and vegetables.

Too much processed food or sugar can also decrease diversity as the bugs that love sugar over run the ones that don’t. Then as they become overpopulated, they demand more sugar and this is how the cravings start.

We recommend cutting back on sugar to keep it around 5% of your total calories per day. Increase the diversity of wholefoods, fruits, vegetables and leafy greens.

Also add in 1 serve daily of Vitality Switch™ which provides 33 different botanicals and 3 carefully selected probiotics that can support a balanced gut microbiome.

8. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) can reduce appetite and lower blood sugar levels and insulin in type 2 diabetics.

In one 12 week study where 144 subjects added 2 Tbsp of ACV per day they lost around 1.7kg of weight.

ACV contains acetic acid and good bacteria that can kill pathogenic bacteria and may also help balance the gut microbiome to support better weight management.

We recommend starting with 1-2 Tsp of ACV per day and increasing slowly to 2 Tbsp over 4-6 weeks.

9. Turmeric

Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory spice used in Asian and Indian cuisine. It has a long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine. Most of turmeric’s medicinal and fat burning properties are due to a naturally occurring compound called curcumin.

Recent studies suggest that curcumin may be beneficial in fat loss.

In fact, curcumin may help promote weight loss, reduce fat tissue growth, curb weight regain, and enhance your sensitivity to insulin.

Furthermore, one study found that supplementing with curcumin for 30 days assisted individuals to lose body fat who were previously unable to lose weight.

You will find C3® curcumin in Estro Switch™ and HydroCurc® in Coffee Switch™ to help support your brain function, health, wellbeing and fat loss.

10. Chocolate

This might sound counterintuitive because people think eating chocolate is what makes them fat. It’s not the cacao in chocolate contributing to weight gain. It is most likely the combination of fats and sugar.

However, if you could get the theobromine from the Theobroma cacao (cocoa bean) then you would see a very different result.

Theobromine which is naturally found in chocolate, is a neurostimulator, appetite suppressor and vasodilator. It has similar structure to caffeine, so it’s no surprise that it will help with weight management and energy.

Theobromine works by reducing cravings and enhancing beta oxidation (breakdown of fats for fuel).

You will find theobromine naturally occurring in cacao nibs, dark chocolate (70%+), Thermal Switch™, Power Switch™ & Coffee Switch™.

Chocolate and cacao bean


There are many foods that can contribute to weight gain but there are some that can prevent or even reverse weight gain. It is important to focus on the right foods, supplements and nutrients.

Get plenty of fibre in your diet (30g daily) from leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables and colourful fruits with the peels on where possible.

Try to by spray free or wash your fruits and veges thoroughly. The pesticide found on the food you eat can kill the gut bugs resulting in dysbiosis (gut microbiome imbalance). This dysbiosis can contribute to weight gain or an inability to lose weight.

In fact, Sucralose (commonly used artificial sweetener) was developed as a pesticide and kills off the good microbes in the gut. This means even the artificially sweetened fat burner you are using could be making things worse long term.

Therefore, we recommend buying supplements that are naturally sweetened with stevia or monk fruit like Switch Nutrition.

Use Coffee Switch™ in the morning as a coffee replacement. Try Thermal Switch™ before exercise and Keto Switch™ between meals. Consider 4000mg a day of fish oil and 1-2 Tlbs a day of ACV.

Make sure you eat more protein and less carbs while consuming good quality fat from coconut, grass fed butter, avocado, and olive oil.

If you can’t meet your protein needs of 30% of your daily calories or 1.5g per kg of body weight, then consider supplementing with Protein Switch™ to keep you satiated and boost your metabolism.

Remember, healthy choices lead to healthy results and make sure any changes you implement are enjoyable as that will ensure sustainability.

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