
Hemp Connect started as a hobby when founders Mathew and Werner discovered industrial hemp while looking for sustainable building solutions in early 2015. With a passion for sustainability and farming entrenched in their DNA, hemp led them on a journey of discovery exploring the country and the world to learn more about how this plant can be used to enhance the lives of kiwis.

Hemp Connect was officially established in 2017 when Mathew and Werner joined forces with local Whanganui farmer, Duncan and his good friend Craig. The four of them shared a desire to produce high quality hemp foods by providing critical infrastructure for the industry to grow in New Zealand.

The team at Hemp Connect have been stepping up a cottage industry over the last two years with a team that understands the entire value chain from farm to plate. Hemp Connect is driven by a simple but powerful purpose:

“We want to enhance lives through hemp. Individuals. Communities. Our country. Our planet.”


The future of the hemp industry looks brighter than it ever has. The end consumer is now valuing the environmental factors that were once ignored. The immense potential of this plant is being realised across the world and New Zealand is starting to pay attention. Hemp’s potential for farmers, the environment and people’s health creates a bright future for the industry. Hemp Connect is currently exploring dietary supplements, value added foods, nutraceuticals and even hemp construction.

Hemp Connect has built a team with a passion for farming hemp, processing hemp and creating new markets for hemp with a focus on building an equitable value chain for all involved. Hemp isn’t only for “hippies” or alternative lifestyles, it is a product that has the potential to become a staple food for the families of New Zealand.

Ultimately, hemp will become a New Zealand export success. And Hemp Connect plans to be there when it does, with a focus on high value products. The hemp revolution is coming…

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