BSN Pumped Edge is part of BSN’s new Edge series which has a fresh new look and fresh new feel. Pumped Edge is a non-stimulant pump booster which can be used alone before training or stacked with a pre-workout such as BSN NO Xplode EDGE.
BSN’s existing pump booster BSN Nitrix capsules is very popular for increasing nitric oxide levels and increasing muscle pumps. BSN Pumped Edge fills the gap in the BSN range of a powdered pump pre-workout and also includes a more transparent label.
A patented blend of 1:1 Citrulline and Arginine is included at 3g. This means we can assume there is 1.5g Citrulline and 1.5g Arginine in each serve. While both amino acids boost nitric oxide levels they are absorbed differently. Citrulline is absorbed straight into the bloodstream whereas Arginine is absorbed through the small intestine and the liver first. So why haven’t BSN just included a bigger dose of Citrulline?
Studies have shown that using both of these amino acids together boost nitric oxide more than Citrulline or Argininie only. A Japanese study showed that supplementation of 1g Arginine and 1g Citrulline increased plasma l-arginine levels more than 2g Citrulline or 2g Arginine. The research suggests that Citrulline helps improve the bioavailability of Arginine due to its inhibiting (blocking) of arginase. Arginaise metabolises Arginine into urea and l-ornithine leaving less Arginine to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Citrulline also leads to a more sustained increase in NO levels.
Muscle Support Matrix
Each serve contains 3.1g Creatine from 3 different creatine sources. Unfortunately due to the Muscle Support Matrix being a proprietary blend this could be a mixture of any ratio. Creatine Monohydrate is the most researched and has shown the best results so if you’re looking for a creatine source this may not be it. However if you’re not fussed on the creatine or are looking for a low creatine stimulant free workout then this could be a plus for you!
Other ingredients including GlycerOsorb and Astragin are included to increase the bioavailability and absorbption of the product.
The proprietary Effosrb Endura Blend is including in many BSN products and enhances bioavailability and delays the onset of lactic acid which leads to fatigue.
Taste and mixability
As always, this BSN product mixes completely and very easily. Remember to read the label – stir do not shake. If you do shake this do so with caution lest your shaker explodes in your face. A couple of shakes followed by popping the lid of the shaker as quickly as possible usually does the trick.
We tried lemon and lime flavor and boy is it sour! It’s a refreshing zing from all of the super sweet supplement mixes but obviously user taste preferences will differ. Pumped Edge is also available in Fruit Punch and Green Apple. We imagine these will be sweeter and more similar to BSN Amino X flavours.
Price and versatility
Price-wise, Pumped Edge sits around the same price as other 30 serve pre-workouts. As it is caffeine and stimulant free it is able to be stacked with pre-workouts or taken any time of the day. The Citrulline still gave some of us a little buzz and helped us get through our workout.
BSN Pumped Edge is perfect to stack with BSN No Xplode Edge preworkout as No Xplode Edge does not contain creatine. Pairing these two together will ensure an energy packed workout with increased muscle pumps, strength and performance to push your limits to the edge. Alternatively for a more recovery focused option, Pumped Edge could be stacked with Amino X or Amino X Edge. It’s a very versatile pump booster.
Overall, this addition rounds out the Edge series nicely and provides many options for enhancing your workout with different supplement stacks, or as a standalone stimulant free supplement for training anytime of the day.
In a world where being highly motivated, focussed and energised are daily requirements to succeed, we need all the help we can get…and some days coffee alone just doesn’t cut it!
In this article we will look at the top 5 ways to increase energy all day.
1. Sleep
Sleep – This might sound strange but sleep duration and quality is the most effective predictor of energy the next day. If you are feeling lethargic, tired or irritable, sleep should be your priority.
Simply achieving 7.5 hours of unbroken quality sleep can be life changing for daily energy and motivation.
Here are some quick tips to get the best sleep.
Sleep before midnight is 2x more beneficial than after midnight.
Plan to be in bed 8 hours before you need to wake up. 30 mins to doze off and get settled.
Use Magnesium which has been shown to improve sleep quality and increase energy through the day.
Read a book to wind down. Don’t rely on digital games, social media or watching TV.
Don’t eat within 2 hours of bedtime. The digestion and blood sugar fluctuations can prevent getting to sleep and staying asleep.
Don’t drink too much water before bed. Getting up to go to the toilet can disrupt quality sleep.
Reduce alcohol. Even though it is a sedative it can reduce deep sleep where recovery happens.
Reduce caffeine and stimulants after 2pm. Caffeine will still be in your system 6-8 hours after consumption.
Use Ashwagandha. This Ayurvedic herb has been shown to reduce cortisol and promote better sleep quality.
Pro Tip: Switch Nutrition Adrenal Switch™ is your go to product containing Ashwagandha and Magnesium to reduce stress, improve sleep and increase energy the next day!
2. Caffeine
Still KING for energy… however, you can get too much of a good thing and certain forms are better than others. Yes, caffeine boosts energy, alertness, focus, motivation, and performance. However, too much caffeine can cause a crash, tiredness, diarrhoea and an increasing dependence or addiction.
It is not uncommon for people to start with 100mg (1 cup of coffee) and before long need 300mg (triple shot) to get the same benefit. This is called adrenal resistance. Your body is producing adrenaline in response to the caffeine, but you are not responding to it as well.
This can be unhealthy as your adrenals are working overtime to call up the energy, but your brain and muscles are not picking up the phone.
Natural caffeine provides all the benefits of synthetic caffeine anhydrous but has a smoother, longer lasting feeling without the crash or chemical residues of synthetic caffeine. You will find natural caffeine in Switch Nutrition Coffee Switch™ (for your coffee lovers), Power Switch™ (Pre-Workout) and Thermal Switch™ (for the fat burning energy chaser).
3. Move
Regular exercise is far more effective at boosting energy than a remaining sedentary and conserving energy. Moving at regular intervals helps boost blood flow and improve insulin sensitivity which results in more energy being utilised by your working muscles and your brain.
In fact, one study found that sedentary people with persistent tiredness and fatigue reduced their tiredness by 65% with regular exercise. In another study just 10 minutes of walking increased energy more than a sugary snack.
So, get away from your desk for 10 minutes each hour and go for a walk or do some movement that increases your heart rate and improves your blood flow.
4. Nootropics
There is a new class of botanical compounds that help enhance focus and mental energy while reducing fatigue. They are called Nootropics!
Nootropic is the term given to a compound that boosts cognitive function. Some nootropics are gabanergic (calming) and others are adrenergic (excitatory). Some boost mood, focus, mind-muscle connection, and others enhance learning or memory recall.
EnXtra® - Alpina Galanga is the source of this NEW patented natural compound that amplifies the benefit of caffeine by 30% for up to 5 hours without jitters or a crash. It is thought to act as an adaptogen allowing your body and brain to respond positively to stimulants and stress.
EnXtra® boosts dopamine receptors and down regulates adenosine. This means it may enhance motivation, happiness, satisfaction and focus while reducing fatigue and tiredness.
EnXtra® has been shown to increase alertness with or without caffeine by 100% over placebo. In 2019 it won the prestigious Nutraingredients Best New Ingredient Award. You should make sure this ingredient is in your next pre-workout or focus supplement.
Hordenine – Found in Hordeum vulgare, this neuro stimulant works by inhibiting MAO (MonoAmine Oxidase). This inhibition reduces the metabolism and breakdown of catecholamines (adrenaline, dopamine etc). Simply put, Hordenine keeps you focused and motivated for longer.
In a 2009 study hordenine showed to peak energy at 60 – 90 minutes after consumption and significantly increase energy burned over placebo. You will find hordenine in Thermal Switch™ & Power Switch™.
Theobromine – Found in Theobroma cacao (chocolate), this unique stimulant also possesses vasodilating benefits. This means it may boost your energy and focus while enhancing blood flow for greater muscle performance and recovery.
In addition to this, Theobromine has bronchodilation benefits that may support better respiratory performance.
Theobromine can be found in the following big hitting energy formulas… Coffee Switch™, Thermal Switch™ & Power Switch™.
NeuroFactor® - Coffea Arabica Fruit Extract is the source of this highly researched ingredient. It has been shown in clinical trials to boost BDNF (Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor) by 143%.
BDNF is a protein peptide that helps improve the architecture of the brain to boost its processing speed and memory recall. In fact, as we age, lowered levels of BDNF is thought to result in lowered mental performance and potential onset of age-related cognitive decline and a decrease in mental energy.
Neurofactor® may be more helpful for learning and memory. However, it does help support focus and energy so it’s a nice addition to your pre-workout (Power Switch™), thermogenic (Thermal Switch™) or nootropic coffee supplement (Coffee Switch™).
Exogenous Ketones are a recent supplement super star. They entered the market in 2017 and have continued to show promise in study after study.
They work by essentially putting your body into a temporary state of ketosis even if you aren’t following a ketogenic diet.
Once the ketones are circulating in your body they not only provide energy to your cells but they signal certain processes to occur.
Up Regulate Mitochondrial Biogenesis – Ketones signal your body to produce more new healthy mitochondria. The mitochondria are the powerhouse of your cells. This is where your energy gets converted from fats and some carbs.
Down Regulate Ghrelin – Ghrelin is a hunger hormone. Ketones have the ability to reduce ghrelin which can significantly reduce cravings and hunger. This may stop you looking for that quick fix snack.
Increase BDNF – Like NeuroFactor®, ketones can boost brain function, and like MCT oil, they pass through the blood brain barrier providing energy to your brain to boost alertness and focus without stimulation of your central nervous system and without an increase in blood pressure or heart rate.
You will find Ketones in Keto Switch™ or a precursor to ketones in MCT Oil Powder. They both help boost mood, focus, energy and productivity.
5. Eat Wholefoods
Nutritious healthy balanced meals can make all the difference to your daily energy needs. When you eat rubbish, you will feel rubbish. What goes up must come down. What I mean by this is too many simple carbs or sugary foods can temporarily boost energy and will increase blood sugar.
However, once insulin comes in and disperses the sugar into storage (sometimes fat cells), your blood sugars crash, your mood crashes, your energy crashes and you become grumpy, tired and less productive.
Eating meals high in quality protein (30% total calories), good fats (30% total calories) and a moderate amount of complex carbohydrates (40% of total calories) with around 5 – 10g of fibre (per meal) and loads of colourful veges and some fruit, will set you up for consistently good energy all day.
If you can’t get enough greens or plant diversity in your diet, then consider supplementing with a great energy superfood formula Vitality Switch™. The name says it all… VITALITY!! All day energy and exuberance for life.
It’s also worth mentioning certain artificial colours and preservatives have been linked to fatigue, tiredness, loss of performance and overall health decline. Be sure to minimise the bright colour artificially sweetened drinks in favour of natural options where possible.
Pro Tip: Do not consume caffeine or a combination of caffeine and other nootropics too close to bed as they can disrupt your sleep. Quality sleep leads to quality brain function, less sugar cravings, better cortisol rhythm and greater energy. 😊
Disclaimer: The above article is merely a guide and is in no way a recommendation or a treatment protocol for any health conditions or diseases. You should always consult with a qualified health care provider before changing your supplement, training, or nutritional strategy. Formulated Supplementary Sports Foods must not be used by pregnant or breastfeeding women, anyone consuming prescription medication or children under the age of 15 unless advised by a qualified health care provider.
BSN Syntha-6 Edge is BSN’s leaner version of Syntha-6 for those athletes and bodybuilders who are looking for the same great taste but with leaner macros. With a lower carbohydrate and fat content, and less calories, it’s amazing that it still tastes just as good!
Arginine is an amino acid that is involved in many different processes. It is most famous for its potential to enhance nitric oxide synthesis and increase "muscle pumps".
Ever gone through periods of training where it seems like no matter how many hours you’re putting in at the gym, or how hard you happen to be working, you simply aren’t seeing the results that you should be seeing?