
Cramps, mood swings, heavy bleeding and everything in between can make periods a rather demanding time of the month, and many of us are prone to feeling a bit out of sorts before, during and after our period. As much as we’d like to hide away for the week with a steady supply of Panadol and Netflix, there are many things we can do to make this monthly event a little - or hopefully a lot - more bearable, and dare we say it, something we don’t even dread.

We’re dedicated to period health at Eve, so if any of the above sounds familiar, here’s our top tips to get you closer to a happier, less stressful period.

1. Just because hormonal signs are common, doesn’t mean they’re normal.

First things first, while fatigue, mood swings, bloating, painful/heavy/irregular periods, cramps, sore breasts, skin issues, low libido and headaches (oh the list goes on!) may be common, they are not ‘normal’, and this does not have to be your norm. Let that sink in. The realisation that you don’t have to live with these things has been nothing short of revolutionary for many people. Similar to a fever or a sore knee, the above signs of hormone imbalance are really just messages from different areas of your body letting you know that it needs attention, and a little TLC to bring it back to balance.

2. Ovulate!

Ovulation is the main event of the menstrual cycle, which involves the release of an egg from its follicle, into the fallopian tube - generally taking place between days 13-21 of your cycle. This brief description makes it sound like something that happens easily and automatically, but in actual fact ovulating isn’t always easy to do. All going to plan, our oestrogen levels climb to a peak to build up to ovulation, and progesterone levels surge after ovulation has occurred.

Our experience of our period is closely linked to the delicate balance of these two key sex hormones. If we ovulate, the surge of progesterone balances the effects of oestrogen, calms the mind, reduces inflammation and lightens your next period. If we miss out on a juicy dose of this wonderful hormone, the result can often leave us feeling off kilter in both the body and mind, before and after our period. This is why we’re big fans of nurturing ovulation for all menstruators – not just the ones who are trying to conceive.

3. Fuel your bod with the good stuff.

Ensuring we have plenty of key nutrients on board is important for our health in so many ways, and our period health is no different. Our ovaries require a steady supply of nutrients to work their magic each month.

Our top hormone-loving nutrients include:

- Zinc - supports regular, healthy ovulatory cycles and hormone production

- Vitamin B6 - an essential vitamin for the synthesis of sex hormones

- Iodine - plays a key role in energy production, brain function, and hormonal wellbeing

- Magnesium - supports hormone balance and aids mental calmness and deep sleep

Eating regularly, eating enough and eating the right kinds of foods are all important here. While what we eat and when is a rather individual thing, ensuring you are including a source of complex carbs, quality protein and healthy fat in each meal can help to keep us stable through the day and the ‘hanger’ at bay.

4. Keep your stress in check.

High stress levels and our hormone health really aren’t the best of friends. High amounts of stress can prevent ovulation (which we now know is essential), and may cause painful, heavy periods, and even spotting between periods. When we are stressed, our body goes into fight or flight mode, and our body prioritises keeping us safe, and our sex hormone production takes a backseat. Some of the best ways to reduce and manage stress in the name of drama-free periods includes getting more sleep, limiting caffeine (sub in a hot cacao or matcha!), reducing high intensity exercise, and practising mindfulness, meditation and focused breathing.

5. Try Period Pal.

Sometimes to get things back on track we need a bit of extra support. This is exactly why [Eve Wellness have] made Period Pal. Period Pal contains herbs and nutrients that nourish our ovaries and promote ovulation to help keep periods balanced and as hassle free as can be. We’re also happy to report that 79% of those who have tried Period Pal reported a decrease in their PMS symptoms.

Keen to have a less stressful, happier period? Now’s the perfect time. For the months of July-August 2022, Eve will donate a 1-month supply of period products to those in need with every purchase of Eve Wellness' Period Pal at Sportsfuel, with help from The Period Place.

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